Thursday, June 2, 2011

Keeping Track of my days....

My life as a Droze has been really amazing.  I decided I cannot let moments go by without remembering them.  This picture above of Dwight and I in Nashville at Cadillac ranch with Laura Bell Bundy the night after the 2010 Country Music Awards is just one example of some of the amazing times we've got to have so far together. 
When my brother was born, my mom kept a journal of everything they did every day--handwritten, on paper, for about his first year.  That was the blogging of the 80's..and today I have the resource at my fingertips to put my memories into writing.  Dwight and I do too many really cool things and I've learned so many new things this year and I want to keep those things forever with me.  
The other night, we counted that each of us had seen at least 50 of our favorite country artists in the last 2 years or so.  AMAZING.  In just this last year of being married, we have both been at new jobs, moved, went on two vacations, changed cars, and planted tomatos. :-) 

I'm so glad for the chance to take this adventure until we're too old to move and just sit together and make cracks at eachother because that's "how we roll."

...More to come!!

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